During November and December Madison supports The London Evening Standard’s Food for London campaign. It focuses on tackling food waste and food poverty in the capital and therefore voluntary £2 will be added to your bill.
If you need more information please ask member of staff or go to http://www.londoncf.org.uk.
Thank you!
Join the conversation! Follow @London_cf on Twitter and tweet using #FoodforLondon or #NoWasteNoHunger. Also find them on Facebook at The London Community Foundation.
Since 2010, The London Community Foundation has been working with The London Evening Standard to shine a light on issues such as social exclusion, poverty and inequality in the capital. The Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund, has previously supported young
people out of gang activity, used football coaching as an agent for social change and funded communities and neighbourhoods on deprived estates across the London. This year, the Fund is highlighting the disconnect between the high levels of food poverty that exist in London and the tonnes of surplus food that is thrown away. Food for London will provide support to groups and charities who are using creative ways to repurpose surplus food or provide solutions to address hunger and food waste in London.
This £320,000 open grants programme is funded by Citi, D&D London and the Dispossessed Fund. The aim is to turn edible food surplus into a social solution. We believe that many groups across London are using and developing ingenious and resourceful ways to reduce food waste, to repurpose surplus food and to provide food to help feed those experiencing food poverty.